How Consumer Behavior is Transforming the Fashion Industry in South Carolina

The fashion industry has been revolutionized by the emergence of fast-fashion chains, which have had a detrimental effect on the environment due to the use of materials that are not sustainable. To keep up with the times, the fashion industry has embraced online retail, allowing them to capture a larger share of the market. This article will explore how consumer behavior is transforming the fashion industry in South Carolina and how it can be used to create a more sustainable future.In order to understand how consumer behavior is impacting the fashion industry in South Carolina, it is important to look at how consumers value fashion. Fernandes (201) defined fashion awareness as the extent to which a consumer is carried away by trending fashion styles and clothing.

Studies have shown that consumers in the Nigerian fashion market are aware that garments provide them with comfort, love, happiness and are in fashion; therefore, online fashion retailers must stock garments that possess these characteristics. Additionally, studies have examined several factors that influence consumer purchases in the fashion industry, such as consumer values and convenience. Kautish and Sharma (201) examined consumer values, fashion awareness, and behavioral intentions in India's online fashion retail sector and suggested that similar studies should be conducted in emerging economies with diverse cultures. This study addressed consumer values, fashion awareness and online shopping in the fashion industry in an emerging market: Nigeria. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to assess the influence of customer value on online shopping behavior in the fashion industry.

The fourth hypothesis tested the moderation of customer values (terminals and instruments) and online shopping behavior by fashion awareness, and the result shows that fashion awareness moderates the extent to which consumer values influence their buying behavior. The results of this study showed that students are more interested in fashion trends than the unemployed and self-employed; this could be attributed to generations Y and Z being more represented in this study. It also showed that consumers are influenced by convenience and time efficiency of shopping, profitability, discounts and availability of varieties; therefore, managers, business owners and application developers for the fashion industry must ensure that their services take into account all these factors so that online shopping is continuously stimulated. The consolidation of the collaborative economy in the fashion industry could offer social, economic and environmental benefits. Organizations and companies in the fashion industry must continue to implement innovative and technological ideas on how to offer customers the values that attract them when buying clothes online. This will help create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry in South Carolina.

Grady Kemper
Grady Kemper

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