What is the Average Cost of Living in South Carolina?

South Carolina is a state with a graduated income tax rate, meaning that some residents pay more than others based on their income. In general, public services are more expensive on the coast and in the state capital (Columbia). However, the cost of living varies depending on where you go in the state, from 10% below the national average in Greenville to an average right in Charleston. When it comes to shopping, South Carolinians can choose from Publix, Trader Joe's, or Piggly Wiggly.

Greenville has an average cost of living among South Carolina cities, about 4% below the national average. Health care costs in South Carolina range from 19% lower to 8% higher than the national average. Transportation costs such as gas, oil changes, and car insurance are typically 3% lower than the average American. Utilities such as electricity, water and natural gas cost 9% more in South Carolina than in the average state. To help you understand the true cost of living in South Carolina, we've studied how much people there pay for items like food, health care, and more. It will show you a side-by-side comparison of common salaries and living costs to help you decide which cities in South Carolina you can afford.

Grady Kemper
Grady Kemper

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